Sing the best songs of the last 3000 years. Opportunities for all ages.Mr. Verlyn Smoker Call or visit shut-ins, widows, and other members in need of care.Mrs. Barnetta Stephens Wake up early or join us for lunch. Monday (6:30 AM) orFriday (12:00 PM)Rev. Brendon Branigin Study, pray, and serve together. Circles meet weekly and monthlyMrs. Carolyn Fields Help train the next generation by teaching the Bible to children.Friday (2:30 PM) Mr. Hugh PlayerKroc Center Share the Good News in the heart of Greenville.Thursday (6:00 PM)Mr. Ken SaffordConference Room Become a mentor and teach the Bible to people in prison.Monday (5:45 PM)Mr. Bill WatkinsPerry Correctional Help our missionaries fulfill the Great Commission.May / JulyRev. Brendon BraniginEngland and Peru Serve in the sound booth or create multimedia resourcesMr. Jeremy Weaver Help foster friendship between generations via snail mailMrs. Nicole Welch Discover great books by Christian and Reformed authorsMr. Mel Duncan Care for our youngest covenant childrenMs. Joy Boudreau Learn how to share the Gospel with your neighbors.Mr. Ken Safford