A Word for Today | Luke 18:35-40 The final miracle performed by Jesus that Luke records took place towards the end of Jesus’ final trip to Jerusalem. Luke 9:51 marks […]
Jesus’ Sovereign Offer
A Word for Today | Luke 18:41 Jesus’ passage through the city of Jericho on His way to the cross supplies us with proof of His compassionate love. When poor […]
Knowing God
A Word for Today | Ephesians 1:16-17 The prayer that concludes Ephesians 1 is significant in showing how Paul always joins the ministry of prayer to his teaching of God’s […]
Remembering You in Prayer
A Word for Today | Ephesians 1:15 After the apostle Paul had been converted on the Damascus Road, the first words said about him as a Christian were telling: “Behold, […]
Praying for Our Elders
According to our Book of Church Order, an elder is called an overseer of the flock and household of God. This means that the elders are required to govern and […]
God’s Fire Keepers
In the Iroquois tribe of Native Americans, community life revolved around the log house situated in the center of the camp. Extended families would live there, as well as sleep, […]