Our church and our families need strong, godly men who are able to live, lead, and serve to the glory of Christ. Men’s Ministry at Second Presbyterian Church serves this calling through bible studies, fellowship, and service opportunities for men both young and old. In keeping with our focus on the ordinary means of grace, our men’s ministry centers on weekly men’s gatherings for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship.
For more information, contact the church office
Monday Morning Men’s Bible Study
Time: 6:30am-7:30am
Location: Conference Room
Teacher: Dennis Zimmerman
Wake up early and join us for a wonderful time of fellowship, study, and prayer. Our group averages 15-20 men (young through older)
Friday Men’s Luncheon & Bible Study
Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Location: Fellowship Hall
Cost: $7
Teacher: Rev. Brendon J. Branigin
This gathering is focused on Bible study, prayer, and mutual encouragement in the Lord. Plan to join us and feel free to bring a friend. We look forward to having you join us.