Session | Ruling Elder | Director of Visitation
Committee | Pastoral Care
Dennis was born into a moral, but non-Christian home in Pennsylvania. He was taken to church, or allowed to go, throughout his formative years. As a teenager, he was blessed with a godly man as his Sunday School teacher. At about the age of 16 or 17 he took Dennis with his family to a Billy Graham crusade. There he heard a clear presentation of the gospel and believes he was converted. He moved to Greenville to pursue a college education. It was at University that he met his wife, Chris.
Shortly after marriage, they joined a local reformed Baptist Church where they worshiped for over 30 years. A time came when they felt the elders had taken a non-biblical action against a leader in the church which compelled them to leave. They found a home at Second Presbyterian around 2011, and they subsequently joined. Since that time Dennis has been active in the stated services of the church, in the Koinonia Ministry, in the prison ministry, and teaching as needed. It is his earnest desire to serve the church even more fully through the position of deacon to the glory of our God and Savior.