864-232-7621 x1005
Staff | Director of Music
My walk with Jesus Christ is the most important relationship in my life. He is the one I worship and adore, fully trust, and desire to follow with all my being. All other relationships, especially with my wife and children, result from my life with my Lord. One of my most fervent prayers is that our children will also follow after Christ and serve Him as their Lord and Savior as my wife and I strive to do.
I was born to Christian parents who trained me to go to church from an early age, and my family was always very active in our small congregation. I made a profession of faith at the age of five, was baptized at the age of thirteen, and joined our church at that time. I was an active participant and leader in functions relating to, and centered in, the church while in my youth. Music was always a large component of our church gatherings, especially singing, and I loved to express my praises to God in this manner.
While studying Engineering in college, God made it clear to me, through a study in the book of John, that He was calling me to the vocational ministry of music and worship. God’s unconditional love, manifested in the person of Jesus Christ, deeply convicted me of my need to submit my whole self to Him. It was at that time I recommitted my life to Christ as my Lord and Savior and soon, thereafter, to the ministry of music. My Pastor, mentors, parents, and friends all acknowledged that this was God’s call upon my life. I entered Bible college at that time and began to study God’s Word learning how to utilize music in His church. After graduating I married Kelli. She is a wonderful wife and mother and is also devoted to the Lord, Jesus Christ. She is also a musician and leads one of our children’s choirs.
I seek to cultivate my relationship with Christ by daily reading the Bible and prayer, by weekly gathering to worship God along with His people, by leading daily family prayer and devotions, by weekly meeting with a godly friend for prayer and mutual encouragement, and by reading Biblical and devotional literature.