Session | Ruling Elder
Committee | Evangelism
Kenneth Edward Safford came to know the Lord Jesus in 1986. He had not attended the church since his teenage years. When their son, Kenny, was six years old, his wife (Kathy, who went to be with the Lord in 2005) urged him to take him to church and he reluctantly searched for a church to attend. When he heard preached a message of salvation, which included the testimony of John Newton and his conversion, Ken found it hard to believe that his own sins could be completely forgiven. At first he didn’t even think he needed forgiveness, but later God convicted him of his need and Ken called upon the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.
He had a great desire for evangelism and became a certified instructor in the Evangelism Explosion ministry, teaching it since 1988. He also was involved in Prison Fellowship work at Perry Correctional from 1994-1996. Ken became a member of SPC in 1996 and was elected a Ruling Elder in 2002. He has continued to serve on the Evangelism and Discipleship Committee since then and is also a member of Calvary Presbytery Candidates Committee.
Ken thanks God for placing him in Second Church, a church that is faithful to preach God’s word without compromise and where true worship is a priority and the authority of the Bible is upheld. Although the Great Commission passage in Matthew 28:19 is very important to Ken, he stands on Romans 1:16 for his inspiration.