Deacon | Class of 2027
Committee | Sympathy & Service
J.D. grew up in Mexico where he sporadically attended church with relatives and neighbors. As a teen in the US, once again neighbors invited him to church. There the Lord
opened his heart to become a believer. He explains his conversion with John 6:68: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
He came to Greenville to attend BJU where he eventually completed a Master of Divinity degree. Later, J.D. realized that full time ministry is not his calling. Instead, he has served in Christian education all of his adult life. Currently, he works at Bob Jones Academy where he has taught Bible, Spanish, classical languages, and computer courses. Additionally, he works for the Greenville County Library.
He deeply appreciates his Baptist heritage which emphasized expository preaching and serious commitment to the Lord. Over time, J.D developed growing convictions in tune with the Reformed tradition. When deciding it was time to attend such a church, Second became the obvious choice after the Cancino children attended VBS several times and everyone in the family showed affinity for the preaching, ministry philosophy, and fellowship.
He and the whole family are blessed to be at Second. They enjoy serving in the sound/video room, in part because the first Second Pres. service they heard was over livestream.