“Koinonia” means fellowship. Our volunteers come together to regularly visit, call, write, and assist shut-in and widowed members of Second Presbyterian Church. Throughout the year Koinonia volunteers also participate in a variety of outreach activities, including the biennial Good Grief Dinner.
For more information or to become a volunteer contact: Mrs. Barnetta Stephens.
In 2011, the Lord gave two members of Second Presbyterian Church a desire to minister to our shut-in and widowed members. They took that idea to one of the pastors and, with pastoral approval and support, the Koinonia Ministry began. The pastor supplied a list of shut-in and widowed members and a call went out to the membership for volunteers to participate in the ministry.
Get Involved
Volunteers are matched to a shut-in or widowed member from the list by the Koinonia Coordinator. Volunteer duties include weekly contact with their assigned member, preferably by visits, but phone calls and written contact are also acceptable. Volunteers may be asked to provide transportation to medical appointments or errands; at times, provide a meal or light housekeeping, laundry or yard chores.
Good Grief Dinner
Every other year (on even years), the Koinonia Coordinator plans and supervises preparations for a ministry to members and interested community members who are grieving for a variety of reasons such as death, loss of job and divorce. This is called: Good Grief Dinner and Fellowship. Planning and preparations include themes, menus, decorating, gifts for guests, music and most importantly, the speakers.