The Diaconate is a vital area of service within the congregation which complements the ministry of the Word. It’s made up of men called to do diaconal deeds. A Deacon […]
Praying for Our Elders
According to our Book of Church Order, an elder is called an overseer of the flock and household of God. This means that the elders are required to govern and […]
Membership Vows
Married couples find that it is helpful to attend weddings, since they are reminded of the vows they gave one another. In a similar way, I hope all church members […]
Precious Blood
“You were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of […]
Justification and Sanctification
On many occasions I have taught on the topics of justification and sanctification. There are few doctrinal topics that exert a more important influence on our lives as Christians than […]
The Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper connects with practically every redemptive theme of the Bible. This is no surprise, since all of our life in Christ, the whole spectrum of Christian salvation, passes […]