Session | Ruling Elder
Committee | Worship & Music Chairman
Joel was born in Fairfield, Iowa but grew up in Alaska where his parents served as missionaries. Most of his childhood was spent in the small town of Soldotna and for nine summers he was a commercial fisherman. Following graduation from Bob Jones Academy, Joel entered Bob Jones University to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in German education. May 8, 1993, was not only his graduation day, but also his wedding day when he married Alice White Barnett. The first two years of their married life were spent teaching in a small Christian school in Alaska. In the fall of 1995, they returned to Greenville where Joel began working at BMW Manufacturing in Greer. In 2006, he was transferred to Munich, Germany to work as a new model product planner. After returning to the USA in July 2008, Joel resumed work in the paint division and is now a senior planning specialist.
As an eight-year old child, the Holy Spirit revealed to Joel his sinful state and need of salvation and his father had the joy of leading him to Christ. A particularly pivotal time of testing was his senior year in college when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. God has been pleased to try his faith in varying degrees through diverse circumstances, but has always shown Himself faithful. Although raised in a Christian home and attending Christian schools, it was not until Joel returned to Greenville and began attending Second Church that his heart was stirred to truly study the scriptures. The consistent expository teaching along with the careful study of God’s Word challenged him to examine his beliefs and has born the fruit of growth and knowledge in the faith.
God has blessed Joel and Alice with one son, Geoffrey. Joel has had the privilege to serve Christ and His congregation at Second Church in various ways since becoming a member in 1996. He has taught Sunday school, served as Deacon, and as Chairman of Deacons and as a member of the Worship and Music Committee.