The Bible frequently uses the language of partnership in the gospel with regards to missionary endeavors (2 Corinthians 8:23; Philippians 1:5; 4:15; Philemon 17; Rev. 1:9). It has been a joy for our church to partner with the work of planting churches around the world. At Second we like to say that we support hard-working missionaries who are committed to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)
For more information contact: Rev. Brendon Branigin
Peru Summer Mission Trip
Team Leader: Brendon Branigin
When: July 11th – 18th, 2025
Where: Peru
What: Construction / VBS
Cost: TBD
Dr. Alonzo Ramirez is from the north Peruvian city of Piura and is ordained in the Inglesia Evangelica Presbiteriana del Peru (IEPP). Alonzo currently lives and works in Cajamarca. Alonzo earned a degree in theology from the Free Church College in Edinburgh (1989‐1992). Later, while at RTS Jackson, he received a Th.M. in Old Testament (1998) and a Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies (2001). Upon completing his studies at RTS he went back to Cajamarca to begin Peru Mission, which is a strategic facilitator of urban church planting and Christian community development in Peru. In addition, he is a pastor at Second Presbyterian Church in Cajamarca; he directs and teaches in a seminary; oversees the university ministry at the Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca; and serves as editor and translator of various publications. Esther, his wife, teaches religion classes at a public school in Cajamarca and directs the children’s Sunday School at Second Presbyterian Church. Visit them at Peru Mission on the web at: www.perumission.org
Further details on itinerary and work are forthcoming. Please contact Brendon Branigin