Abiding in Christ
A Word for Today | John 15:4-9 Jesus’ parable of the vine consisted of three parts, the first two speaking of what God and Christ have provided: “I am the […]
The Vine and the Vinedresser
A Word for Today | John 15:1-4 From 1958 to 1978, Samuel Lamb was imprisoned with hard labor for preaching the gospel in China. Lamb spent these twenty years, during […]
The First Century
The Way, the Truth, and the Life
A Word for Today | John 14:6 In an age that values tolerance above all virtues, Christianity is seen as the ultimate intolerant religion. According to the New Testament, the […]
In My Father’s House
A Word for Today | John 14:2 One of the reasons that Christians think so seldom about heaven is that many do not understand the Bible’s teaching about it. On […]