The Diaconate is a vital area of service within the congregation which complements the ministry of the Word. It’s made up of men called to do diaconal deeds. A Deacon is elected and ordained to office for life, though our church rotates Deacons every four years. Their duties, as our PCA Book of Church Order stipulates, are those of “sympathy and service, after the example of our Lord Jesus. It expresses also the communion of the saints, especially in their helping one another in time of need.” Over the years we have been blessed by a great band of diaconal brotherhood strengthening our communion here at River and Rhett. We promote this high expectation of service and ministry in the congregation. Serving as a Deacon is a great calling and we value and appreciate our Deacons.
The 2020 Chairman is Jeremy Weaver who will be succeeded in 2021 by Vice Chairman Ron Vanderwey. Phil Larson is the Secretary and Ken Pujdak serves as Treasurer. The Deacons work through committees that organize service within the church – its (sub) Committee/ Chairs are:
Building & Property (Chairman Todd Walton): Our Book of Church Order states that the Diaconate has “the care of the property of the congregation, both real and personal, and shall keep in proper repair the church edifice and other buildings belonging to the congregation.” One has only to look around the church these days and see the many ways this committee is working to update and upgrade our building. Recent major capital improvement projects include the gym/kitchen/conference room renovation and parking lot repavement. Second Church is blessed to have a modern campus in the city but our old facility creates unique challenges in upkeep and care. Property Committee membership also includes Anthony J. Stephens, Daniel S. Grubbs, Edward Enggasser.
Sports & Fellowship (Chairman Spencer Player): We have frequent scheduled fellowship events at Second throughout the year: Wednesday night meals, family/fun nights, church picnics, Sunday night gatherings, luncheons, banquets and receptions. This committee also has the delegated authority to manage our Partner Ministry relationships with outside groups. We are blessed to have Kitty & Sarah Swillen as our marvelous church cooks who bring us delicious meals week after week. We also appreciate Church Hostess Pat Shuford and Assistant Hostess Judy Bishop who coordinate special activities. The deacons coordinate a winter basketball program through our involvement with the Church League Basketball for Youth. Committee membership also includes William D. McDaniel & J. Ronald Mahon.
Stewardship & Finance (Joe Martin): As the church has grown in recent years this committee has been key in managing the timing and allocation of ministry resources. The Treasurer working closely with Season Finance Chairman (Joel Barnett) promotes the “liberality of the saints” and stewarding the Lord’s money and the budgeting process. This committee oversees the collection and accounting of church contributions. If you would like to discuss making special financial offerings, estate gifting please speak with Ken Pujdak or Joel Barnett. Committee membership also includes Jeremy Weaver, Ron Vanderwey and Ken Pujdak.
Sympathy & Service (Jimmy Looper): The Diaconate of our church spends a great deal of time trying to care for the saints and discerning needs within the congregation. We are grateful for the work of the “Sympathy and Service” Committee for the ministry to the Shut-In, the needy, the infirmed as well as a great deal of “mercy ministry” that we do in our community. Committee membership also includes Michael J. Carey, D. Scott Grubbs, David G. Burman, Roger D. Lusk, Jimmy Looper, Stephen Plating and Don Welker.
Ushering (John Atwood): Ushering is something that any adult man can do at the church. It is a great way to meet people and begin your involvement in the church. The Ushering committee oversees the opening and closing of the Lord’s house on Sundays and in recent years has also assisted in the preparation of Communion Elements for observance of the Lord’s Supper. An Usher often is the first impression a visitor receives of our church and is therefore vital to our outreach and witness. If you are willing to serve please contact John Atwood. Committee membership also includes D. Rainey Hoopes, Jr., J. Henry Martin, Aaron Angell.
The deacons are ably assisted by the Director of Media & Facilities Nate Johnson, and Melton Duncan serves as the sessional Representative. Our Deacons work very hard to promote service and preserve the material property of our congregation and we are grateful for them. All our officers are interested in answering questions that members and visitors have and want to help you with ministry. As a general rule be considerate with our officers about the timing of such queries – Sundays during Worship is not the time to seek answers for “general questions.” Contact a chairman directly with specific questions. Meetings and Committees (unless otherwise noted) are open for church members to attend. In almost every case (unless there is a good reason not to) a Chairman will welcome a member who wishes to listen or voice an opinion. As a matter of courtesy it’s a good idea to have a conversation with the appropriate Chairman ahead of time to let him know of your interest in a particular ministry item.
Class of 2020
John M. Atwood, Ushering
Michael J. Carey, Sympathy/Service
William D. McDaniel, Sports & Fellowship
Anthony J. Stephens, Property
Ronald M. Vanderwey, Vice Chairman
Jeremy S. Weaver, Chairman
Class of 2021
D. Scott Grubbs, Sympathy & Service
D. Rainey Hoopes, Jr., Ushering
J. Ronald Mahon, Sports & Fellowship
Spencer J. Player, Chairman Sports & Fellowship
Todd L. Walton, Chairman Property
Class of 2022
David G. Burman, Sympathy & Service
Daniel S. Grubbs, Property
Philip D. Larsen, Secretary
Roger D. Lusk, Sympathy & Service
J. Henry Martin, Ushering
Joe C. Martin, Chairman
Stewardship & Finance
Class of 2023
Aaron Angell, Ushering
Edward Enggasser, Property
Jimmy Looper, Chairman Sympathy & Service
Steve Plating, Sympathy & Service
Kenneth J. Pujdak, Treasurer
Don Welker, Sympathy & Service