Deacon | Class of 2026
Committee | Stewardship & Finance Chairman
I was born and raised in Anderson SC. My family has been life-long members of New Prospect Baptist Church (Southern Baptist) Anderson going back to my Great Great Grandfather. Ironically, he was kicked out for playing fiddle at a square dance. Most of the remaining family stayed in New Prospect. I had and have been in and around the church my entire life. Accepted Christ and made profession of faith at approximately twelve years old.
Leslie and I married in 1991 and moved to Greenville in 1992. After moving to Greenville we looked for a church home and eventually found Second Presbyterian in, we believe, 1994. We have certainly found our church home. We have two wonderful kids, Sarah and Ross. It is a pleasure to see them grow and prosper within the Second Pres family. We look forward to seeing what the Lord has planned for us all.
After completing studies at Erskine College and a brief few years working in Columbia, SC I returned to Anderson in 1985 to begin what has become a career with AnMed Health. My current role is Director of Cost Accounting and Reimbursement.