Deacon | Class of 2028
Committee | Sports & Fellowship
Michael was born into a Roman Catholic family in New Jersey and went through all of the Catholic ceremonies in his youth
with no understanding of any Biblical basis. When he was 16, his family moved to Hilton Head Island, SC, and within six months he was invited to a Bible study for high school students. A few months later he heard a clear presentation of the Gospel for the first time and God saved him. The following summer, his Bible study group attended the Bill Gothard Institute in Atlanta, GA, where he met folks who attended Clemson University and they invited him to a campus ministry called Sovereign Grace Fellowship (SGF). During his college years he participated in SGF at Clemson and attended People’s Bible Church in Greenville where he met his future wife Diana. They have four daughters – Heather, Alexandra, Amanda, and Natalie – three of whom are married – and they now have four grandchildren. For a time, he was Reformed Baptist, but became convinced of Presbyterian doctrines under the ministry of Jay Adams in the early 1990’s at Harrison Bridge Road ARP in Simpsonville, SC. Michael has been a member of Second Presbyterian Church since 2004.